Tuesday, July 5, 2011

And we wonder why?

We wonder why our society has arrived at its current state?  This article from CNN.com explains allot.  The fact that he evens begin to think that this is a viable suit to bring or the fact that he has the nerve to ask that taxpayer's money be used to help him fight the suit while he sits in prison on a bank robbery arrest is ridiculous.  It almost appears as if the prison system has simply become an Extended Stay Hotel for the questionable characters rather than a place to help protect the innocent and/or reform the guilty.  Now I don't believe that all inmates need to be in solitary confinement, but I chuckle when I hear the phrase, "cruel and unusual punishment" when referring to no TVs for inmates or the like.  Did the victim(s) of their crimes have the chance to use the same denfense?  Hardly.  We need to make the prison system more of a deterrent, rather than a time where they can simply feed off the backs of the law-abiding, hard working citizens.  Or a time for them to  make "friends" with those that will aid and abet them when they get out early due to over-crowding and/or legal mishap.  Prison needs to be a place that is "unusual" or it will not begin to serve the intended purpose.   https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2Fvideo%2F%23%2Fvideo%2Fus%2F2011%2F07%2F04%2Fpkg.wdiv.inmate.porn.rights.cnn%3F%26hpt%3Dhp_c2&h=_AQAdUx1v    

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