Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What have we become?

I don't believe it is hard to look around and not notice that we, as a society, have truly digressed to a people that want to shun all types of accountablility.  "It wasn't me" or "it is my fault" or my personal favorite, "its just the way I am".  Well, if you are an idiot and you know it, then change!  Obviously, none of us want to be  the cause of something terrible, but what happened to good ole integrity and the ability to take responsibility for one's actions?  The courts are full to capacity with lawsuits that are trying to shift responsibility to someone else.  Some are completely justisfied but I would be willing to bet some significant money that most are simply people trying to avoid saying sorry or a simple "mea culpa".  Parents, when it is obvious that their child has done something wrong, expend so much energy within a school or judicial system to free their child of culpability or responsibility.  I know of a family that the parents are currently divorced because the father required the son to turn himself in on a robbery case, where the mother simply wanted him to get away with it.  The father turned him in to the police and the mother left in anger.  "How could you?" she says.  Which is the better lesson?  Too many parents shy away from the opportunity to teach a important life long lesson to avoid their own embarrassement or to avoid the drama that resonsibility might bring.  Until parents step up and claim responsibility themselves, then we are doomed to have generations of "it wasn't me" children who fail to see the power of, "I'm sorry, I accept the consequences of my actions".   What a different world indeed we would have if we learned to, with sincerity, speak that small sentence.    

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